Sunday, April 10, 2011

Blog Post #11

I am more than impressed with the amount of technology that these students are using daily! Even when I was in high school, I was not using near as much technology as they seem to be using in just half of a day! The use of wikis is a great way to not only let the children learn, but also let others (like the people from Alabama) put in their input as well! I couldn't believe that there were children using SmartBoards, when just a few weeks ago, some students in our class were learning to use them for the first time! Just think: If they can use technology this well in 1st grade, how competent will they be by the time the graduate? The answer to that question is unknown, but I would be willing to bet that they will be among the top of the graduating class when it comes to technology literacy!


  1. First - an aside. The Symphony last Saturday was SUPER MAGNIFICENT. Thank you!

    Now Ms. Cassidy: :but I would be willing to bet that they will be among the top of the graduating class when it comes to technology literacy." But will they be among the top learners? I hope so!

  2. Thank you Dr. Strange for attending! I think it might be one of the best concerts that Mobile Symphony has ever performed! Next year might rival it though: Carmina Burana!

    I am sure that they will be among the top learners! Technological literacy and learning seems to come hand in hand!

  3. Brandon,
    I agree wholeheartedly that the students today are using so much more technology then when I was their age. And as time goes on there will be much more technology and I believe that the age that we use technology will become even younger than it is now.
