Below you will find the blog post and comments from each blog I visited! I look forward to the next set of C4K's that I get to take part in!
C4K #1: Kelly's Blog
skiing at asessippi was shocking because I skied very well shocker and my mom skied pretty well. But she then twisted her leg or spranded it . My brother keenan also broke his arm. I had a lot of fun with my friends and brother’s plus my parent’s . I went with my friends all day. Over all the day was ok but my mom and keenan got hurt and had to go home early so sad but I had a lot of fun. It was scary but still fun and I was worried for my brother and mom.
My Response:
Hi Kelly!
I have only been skiing once, and I fell maybe 100 times! I am not very good at skiing, but I am great at water skiing! There isn’t a lot of snow here in Alabama, but we always go to the beach to water ski!
I hope that your mom and brother get well soon!
C4K #2: Subika's Blog
Today I am absent because my scratchy throat and my nack.Yesterday I was just fooling sround and I just flipped over on my bed and now when I move my neck closer to my left shoulder it hurts a lot.My sister had it once form her back pack and she said it would go away soon.In the mean time I can barley move my head,I have to keep having tablets,and my mom irons a peics=e os cloth and it is very hot and sshe rests it on my shoulder again and again.I hope I get better soon.
Hi Subika,
My name is Brandon and I am a college student in Mobile, Alabama studying music education! We have been assigned to comment on you and your classmates blogs!
I really hope that your neck starts to feel better! It sounds like you might have a pulled muscle. I’ve danced most of my life, and whenever I pull a muscle, it takes a few weeks to start feeling better, but your mom has the right idea! Adding heat to the muscle will make it feel much better! Just take it easy for now!
Get better soon Subika!
C4K #3: Tyla-Marie's Blog

Devastating news has been confirmed that Christchurch suffered from another bad earthquake.
Although the earthquake measured 6.3 magnitude, the damages were worse than before.The last earthquake was deeper down in the ground but this one was shallower and that’s what caused most of the damage. Since September Christchurch has been having little after shocks until this big one .
I feel so sad and sorry for the kids in Christchurch who have had to suffer through this kind of stuff.Especially for the people who have lost their loved ones and homes. May luck and hope be with them.
My Response:
C4K #3: Tyla-Marie's Blog
Earthquakes Strike Again in Christchurch

Devastating news has been confirmed that Christchurch suffered from another bad earthquake.
Although the earthquake measured 6.3 magnitude, the damages were worse than before.The last earthquake was deeper down in the ground but this one was shallower and that’s what caused most of the damage. Since September Christchurch has been having little after shocks until this big one .
I feel so sad and sorry for the kids in Christchurch who have had to suffer through this kind of stuff.Especially for the people who have lost their loved ones and homes. May luck and hope be with them.
My Response:
Hi Tyla-Marie!
My name is Brandon and I am a college student at The University of South Alabama in Alabama, USA. I am studying Music Education to become a choir director for high school or college. I am in a class this year called EDM310 where we learn about technology for the classroom, and I have been assigned to read your blog and comment!
Your blog is great! I love that you have designed your background to fit your personality! It is nice to see a blog that isn't just plain white and black!
This blog post caught my eye though! Earthquakes are scary things! My best friend lives in Santiago, Chile and last year they had horrible earthquakes. I flew down to be with her right when they started to happen! Here in Alabama, we do not have earthquakes... just hurricanes! So when I felt an earthquake for the first time, I was scared!
You did a great job writing about what happened in Christchurch! It is very professionally written! Maybe next time you write something like this, insert a link to a news article that people like me who aren't from New Zealand can read! But again, great job Tyla-Marie!
You can view my blog if you would like too! The address for it is: