Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Help Support The National Endowment for The Arts

Arts Action Alert Picture

It only takes a few minutes but it can help change our country forever!

The National Endowment for The Arts helps promote creativity and public access to the arts! They are currently asking Congress to help support a budget of $180 million that would go towards their overall cause! To learn more about the NEA and everything they do, visit their website here!

The NEA is urging everyone to write their elected officials and ask for their support on this monumental bill! They have made it as easy as ever for us to do this by creating a form you can fill out on their website and send away to your Senators and House Representatives!

It only takes two or three minutes, but a bill like this would mean a lot to everyone the NEA impacts! I urge you to take a few minutes away from facebook or television and click here to send your message today!


  1. I just filled mine out too! I really do appreciate you doing all this. I committed my self to staying more involved with legislation last semester, but I let my self slip when school started back-- this is just what I needed to retrieve my motivation. Thanks Brandon!

  2. I'm glad that it was able to motivate you! The NEA does great work and I like to support anybody who tries to turn things around for the youth of our country!
